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- JP Software
- Order Information
- August, 1995
- This file contains important information you should read before ordering
- (page 2), and details on all products sold by JP Software (page 7). To
- save paper and time, our order form is included separately in the file
- ORDER.FRM. This allows you to view the information in this file on the
- screen if you wish, and print only the actual order form.
- Please read the order information section on page 2 before placing your
- order! That section explains our order and payment policies. If you
- don't read over the policies before ordering you may make errors which
- delay your order and result in additional costs to you.
- If you live outside the U.S. and Canada you may want to check the list
- of international dealers in this file. These dealers can often provide
- local service, and may offer faster shipping than we can provide when
- mailing packages from the United States.
- The license agreement which governs your use of our products is included
- separately in the file LICENSE.DOC (for downloaded copies), or on your
- diskette envelope (for purchased copies). Please read it before
- ordering. It is written in plain English, and explains your rights and
- responsibilities as a user of our products.
- This file is formatted at 58 lines per page, and contains form feeds and
- page footers. It can be viewed with a file viewer such as the 4DOS,
- 4OS2, 4DOS/NT, or Take Command internal LIST command, or printed using
- the command:
- copy orderinf.doc prn
- Printing it with a program that formats the pages is not likely to work
- due to the formatting included in the file.
- (08/95)
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 1
- Order Information
- -----------------
- This section contains ordering details for all JP Software products,
- including:
- * Satisfaction guarantee * Multi-system licenses
- * Order processing and shipping * Ordering from a dealer
- * Payment and purchase orders * Government customers
- * International orders * Resale and bundling
- * Upgrade policies * Dealers outside the U.S.
- See the file ORDER.FRM for the forms you need to place your order.
- For convenient phone ordering call us between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM
- eastern U.S. time at 800-368-8777 (U.S. only; orders only please!) or
- 617-646-3975, or transmit your order form by fax any time to (617)
- 646-0904. You can also order via CompuServe (Mail to 75020,244), or the
- Internet (mail to 75020.244@compuserve.com). Please include all
- information on the order form with your electronic order, preferably in
- the same format. Any of the above numbers (other than the 800 order
- line) can be used to contact our customer service department.
- Warranty and Satisfaction Guarantee
- We want you to be fully satisfied with the products you buy from us!
- All products sold by JP Software come with a 90-day warranty against
- physical manufacturing defects in the diskettes or manual. In
- addition, if you are not fully satisfied with a JP Software product
- you may return it at any time up to 90 days after purchase for a full
- refund. If you are dissatisfied with a product we sell which is not
- produced by JP Software you may return it for a full refund if it is
- in resalable condition, or a 50% refund if not. See your diskette
- envelope (or the LICENSE.DOC file if you have a downloaded copy) for
- the complete text of our warranty. Please contact us for a return
- authorization before returning any product for a refund.
- Order Processing and Shipping
- Orders typically require 2 - 3 business days processing time before
- shipment, and may take more or less depending on our order backlog.
- In the U.S., we ship UPS to ensure delivery within 3 days of
- shipment. Where appropriate, or when requested, we will ship via
- U.S. Priority or First Class Mail. Shipping outside the U.S. is via
- TNT Mailfast or Air Mail. The delivery time for all countries
- outside the U.S. is generally 1-2 weeks. All delivery times may vary
- during peak upgrade periods.
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 2
- Shipping Charges:
- To the U.S. and Canada: $6 for first item, $1 for each additional
- item. COD (USA only), add $6 for entire order
- To Alaska and Hawaii: $15 for first item, $2 for each additional
- item.
- To all other countries: See tables on page 3 of order form (in the
- file ORDER.FRM).
- Contact us for expedited domestic and international shipping options
- including UPS Blue Label and Red Label, Federal Express, Airborne
- Express, DHL, and other carriers.
- Payment Terms:
- We accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express, checks (MUST be drawn
- on a US bank, and in US funds), money orders, purchase orders (see
- below for policies), and COD shipments.
- We are happy to accept purchase orders from established companies and
- government agencies. Our terms are net 30 days. Orders under $100
- ($200 for international companies) must be prepaid. Credit
- references are required if your company has not previously ordered
- from us on terms.
- Upgrade Policy:
- The upgrade policies listed here apply to the U.S. versions of 4DOS,
- 4OS2, 4DOS for Windows NT, and Take Command as purchased from JP
- Software. Dealers outside the U.S. may establish different upgrade
- policies, check with your dealer for details. Our products use two-
- or three-digit version numbers. Maintenance releases are indicated
- by a change in the third digit (e.g. 3.01, 5.52); major upgrades are
- indicated by a change in the other digits (e.g. 6.0).
- You can always purchase both maintenance releases and major upgrades
- from JP Software. In addition, when you first purchase any of our
- products, maintenance releases and the next major release issued
- after your initial purchase are downloadable (at no charge from us)
- from a variety of sources. You can then convert the downloaded copy
- to a fully registered copy using the BRAND program included in your
- original package. All subsequent major upgrades must be purchased.
- Multi-System Licenses:
- Whether you are a major corporation, a small business, or an
- individual with more than one computer, if you plan to use our
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 3
- products on multiple systems you can save money by ordering a multi-
- system license rather than individual copies. (If all you want to do
- is use 4DOS, 4OS2, 4DOS for Windows NT, or Take Command at work and
- at home you may not need a second copy; see the license agreement on
- your diskette envelope or in the LICENSE.DOC file for details.)
- A multi-system license includes a master diskette and one manual set.
- Additional manual sets are $15 each. Multi-system licenses may be
- used at any number of physical sites, and on networked or stand-alone
- systems, as long as all support and distribution are handled through
- a single location. JP Software also offers a simple policy which
- allows you to increase your license size at a reasonable price as you
- add new systems.
- Our pricing structure covers any number of systems and goes well
- beyond what is listed below; you pay only for the number of systems
- you have. For larger licenses, a variety of custom arrangements can
- be made to meet your specific needs. A signed license agreement is
- required when licensing 100 or more systems.
- Please contact us if you need more information on licenses, including
- prices not shown in the table below, prices for multi-product
- licenses, or multi-system license information on BOOT.SYS.
- Partial Multi-System License Price Schedule
- Systems License Price Item numbers
- ------- ------------- ------------
- 2 $ 101
- 5 197 4DOS..........ML100
- 10 337 4OS2..........ML110
- 25 697 4DOS/NT.......ML120
- 50 1,200 TCMD/16.......ML130
- 100 2,000 TCMD/32.......ML140
- 250 3,950
- 500 6,500 Item numbers are the same
- for all license sizes.
- (All prices subject to
- change without notice.)
- Ordering From a Dealer:
- You can order our products from the software dealer you or your
- company uses regularly. If your dealer does not carry the product
- you want, they can special-order it from JP Software at a discount to
- resell to you. (If you are a dealer see "Resale and Bundling" on
- page 5 for information on obtaining resale copies.) Our products are
- available on a special-order basis from a number of larger chains,
- including Egghead Discount Software, Stream International, and
- Voyager / CorSoft.
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 4
- Government customers:
- Contact us for GSA schedule information.
- Resale and Bundling:
- Reseller discounts for our products begin at 25% for a single copy,
- and increase substantially with volume. Many products are available
- through distribution. If you are a dealer, consultant, or reseller
- please contact us for pricing or request more information on the
- order form.
- We also offer attractive bundling arrangements for VARs, consultants,
- and OEMs who wish to bundle our products with another hardware or
- software product. The details and pricing are flexible and can be
- modified to meet your specific situation. Please contact us for more
- information.
- BOOT.SYS is also available for resale; please contact us for details.
- Dealers Outside the U.S.:
- If you are ordering from outside the U.S. please check the list of
- international dealers below. Purchasing through these dealers can
- save you the delay and inconvenience involved in dealing with
- currency conversions and international shipping, and provide you with
- a local source for support and service.
- PLEASE NOTE that international dealers set their own pricing; some
- also set their own upgrade policies, which may not be the same as
- those of JP Software. Check with your dealer for details.
- Australia: BudgetWare voice: (02) 519-4233
- 9 Albermarle St. fax: (02) 516-4236
- Newtown NSW 2042
- Manaccom Pty Ltd. voice: (07) 368-2366
- 9 Camford St. fax: (07) 369-7589
- Milton, QLD 4064
- England: Atlantic Coast Plc. voice: (0297) 24088
- 3a Queen Street fax: (0297) 24091
- Seaton, Devon EX12 2NY CompuServe 70007,4725
- France: VIF voice: (01) 47 20 02 16
- 5, rue de Bassano fax: (01) 47 20 10 79
- Paris 75116 Minitel: 3616 Code VIF
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 5
- In France, you can download a registered copy of 4DOS (including
- ASCII manual) from VIF through the Minitel system. Charges are
- billed through Minitel. You must first have a download cable and
- VIFTEL2 software; these items can be obtained, along with pricing
- and a catalog of all VIF software, by calling 36 24 00 99 on the
- Minitel. Registered copies of 4DOS are available by calling 36
- 29 00 99 on the Minitel. VIF does not sell 4DOS by mail order,
- they work only through the Minitel system.
- Germany: Computer Solutions voice: (08) 092-5018
- Postfach 1180 fax: (08) 092-31727
- D-85561 Grafing/München CompuServe 76234,3577
- CDV-Newsoft voice: (07) 21-22295
- Ettlingerstr. 5 fax: (07) 21-21314
- 7500 Karlsruhe 1 CompuServe 100022,274
- Italy: ComputerLand S.r.l. voice: (2)-781000
- C.so Vittorio fax: (2)-780742
- Emanuele 15 BBS: (2)-781149,781147
- 20122 Milano Internet: compland@bbs2000.sublink.org
- Netherlands: The Owl's Nest voice: (31) 35-602-8631
- P.O. Box 227 fax: (31) 35-602-6527
- 3760 AE Soest BBS: (31) 35-602-3219
- Switzerland: Software News! voice: (01) 814-3140
- Flurstr. 57 fax: (01) 814-3140
- 8302 Kloten CompuServe 100042,1105
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 6
- Product Information
- -------------------
- This section describes each of JP Software's products, so you know
- what you're getting before you order.
- PLEASE NOTE: All prices are subject to change without notice. See
- order form for shipping charges.
- Take Command for Windows, Windows NT, and Windows 95:
- JP Software's latest product, Take Command, is a complete
- implementation of our advanced command processing technology,
- fully integrated into Windows, Windows NT, and Windows 95. Take
- Command supports the same commands and features available in
- 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4DOS/NT (see below), and we've added dozens of
- features feasible only in a graphical environment.
- Two versions of Take Command are now available: Take Command/16,
- for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups; and Take Command/32,
- for Windows NT and Windows 95. A new copy of either version is
- just $69, and two special packs are also available:
- The Windows Pack includes both Take Command/16 and 4DOS,
- plus both printed Reference Manuals, for just $99.
- The Windows 95 Pack includes Take Command/32 and 4DOS and
- both printed Reference Manuals for just $99.
- Either version of Take Command is only $29 if you are already a
- registered user of 4DOS or another JP Software product. Take
- Command comes with complete online reference information and a
- printed Introduction and Installation guide. You can purchase
- the printed Take Command Reference Manual for $15.
- Take Command for OS/2 will be a complete OS/2 PM implementation
- of the Take Command product described above. It is currently in
- beta test, and is scheduled for release in the fall of 1995. All
- JP Software OS/2 customers will be notified when Take Command for
- OS/2 is available, and trial copies will be available in the
- usual locations. Our Customer Service staff will not be able to
- provide a more specific release date prior to actual product
- release.
- 4DOS, 4OS2, and 4DOS for Windows NT:
- 4DOS is our "flagship" product. It is a DOS enhancement utility
- designed to add power, elegance, and flexibility to the DOS
- prompt. 4DOS is a complete replacement for COMMAND.COM, the
- command processor which displays the "C:\> prompt and accepts and
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 7
- executes the commands you type. It offers dozens of features
- beyond those available with DOS alone. If you aren't familiar
- with what 4DOS is and what it does, take a look at the manual for
- all the details. It offers you great power while working at the
- DOS prompt and in batch files, makes minimal use of your precious
- memory, and generally makes life with DOS a whole lot easier. It
- works with all versions of MS-DOS / PC-DOS from 2.0 up, with
- Windows 95, and with DR DOS / Novell DOS.
- 4OS2 is to OS/2 what 4DOS is to DOS. It is a complete
- replacement for CMD.EXE, the default OS/2 command processor, and
- brings the full power of 4DOS to OS/2 users. 4OS2 offers all of
- the features of 4DOS, plus additional features designed to
- enhance command processing under OS/2. When you purchase 4OS2
- you will receive both the 16-bit and 32-bit versions, and you can
- install the version appropriate to your copy of OS/2. Using 4OS2
- with 4DOS provides a consistent interface in OS/2 character-mode
- sessions and the DOS compatibility box (OS/2 1.x) (or DOS
- machines in OS/2). 4OS2 is compatible with OS/2 1.2, 1.3, 2.0,
- 2.1, 2.11, and 3.0, including "OS/2 for Windows".
- 4DOS and 4OS2 are $69 each including disk, manual (see page 3 for
- details on upgrades). If you need both products, our OS/2 Pack
- is just $89 and includes both products. If you have one product
- and want the other, the cost is just $29. Multi-system licenses
- are also available (see page 3).
- 4DOS for Windows NT ("4DOS/NT") is a complete replacement for
- CMD.EXE, the default Windows NT command processor, and brings the
- full power of 4DOS to Windows NT users. 4DOS/NT also offers
- additional features designed to enhance command processing under
- Windows NT with its Single Command Shell architecture. 4DOS for
- Windows NT is $69. 4DOS/NT for registered 4DOS users is $29.
- The JP-CD Suite:
- The JP-CD Suite gives you an easy, economical way to keep your
- environment consistent - no matter which operating systems you
- use. The CD-ROM contains the most recent versions of 4DOS, 4OS2,
- 4DOS for Windows NT, Take Command/16, and Take Command/32 (when
- Take Command for OS/2 is released, it will be added as well). The
- JP-CD Suite is only $99. If you need printed documentation, the
- CD Suite Manual Pack is only $29 and includes documentation for
- every product on the CD-ROM.
- 4DOS / 4OS2 Utility Disks:
- JP Software offers Utility Disks for registered users only.
- These disks contain the files needed to modify the help text, and
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 8
- other useful utilities (see below). The Utility disks are $10
- each.
- The 4DOS Utility Disk contains the JP Software's 4DOS help text
- and help compiler (4MAKE). 4MAKE is a licensed product offered
- by JP Software, and is available only by purchasing the 4DOS
- Utility Disk. It allows you to add, modify, or delete
- information in the 4DOS HELP system. You can use the modified
- help text yourself, and distribute it to other registered 4DOS
- users within your company or organization, but you cannot sell it
- or distribute it publicly.
- Other products on the 4DOS Utility Disk are either shareware or
- freeware, and are available on many BBSes and on-line services.
- We provide these products on the Utility Disk as a service to
- those customers who do not have modems or who prefer to obtain
- software on diskette. Like all shareware, you must register any
- of the shareware products that you continue to use after a trial
- period. The shareware and freeware products on the 4DOS Utility
- Disk are:
- * TSRCOM, TurboPower Software's popular freeware package of
- TSR and memory management and mapping utilities.
- * A shareware copy of BOOT.SYS, which allows you to select
- your system configuration at boot time. See page 10 for
- details on this product.
- * A shareware copy of 4EDIT, a full-screen 4DOS file
- description editor.
- * A shareware copy of 4FILES, a 4DOS-compatible file manager
- and description editor.
- The 4OS2 Utility Disk contains the text for the 4OS2 help system
- and for 4OS2's "quick help" (messages displayed with the "/?"
- switch on 4OS2 commands). You can modify this text and recompile
- it for your own use or for use by registered 4OS2 users within
- your organization. To recompile the help text you must have
- access to the IBM Information Presentation Facility Compiler
- (IPFC) which is used by developers to develop help for OS/2
- programs. IPFC is distributed by IBM as part of its developer's
- toolkit for OS/2. To recompile the quick help text you must have
- access to the MKMSGF program, which is also part of the OS/2
- developer's toolkit.
- The 4OS2 Utility Disk also contains some additional shareware or
- freeware utilities which we feel 4OS2 users might find useful:
- * A shareware copy of Browse/2, a Presentation Manager
- application for browsing ASCII files.
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 9
- * A shareware copy of the OS/2 version of Vern Buerg's popular
- LIST utility. Runs in character mode.
- * MEMSIZE, a freeware system resource monitor. Displays swap
- file size and available space, CPU load, and free disk
- space. Runs under Presentation Manager.
- * SHOWINI, a freeware REXX script to display the contents of
- OS/2 .INI files.
- 4DOS for Windows NT Utility Disk:
- JP Software also offers a Utility Disk for registered 4DOS for
- Windows NT users. This disk contains the 4DOS for Windows NT
- help text, in both Word for Windows and RTF formats. At this
- time it does not contain any other utilities.
- In order to use the 4DOS for Windows NT help text, you must have
- a word processor which can handle the Word for Windows and / or
- RTF formats, and a Windows help compiler such as Microsoft's HC31
- (distributed with the Windows and Windows NT Software Development
- Kits).
- You can modify the help text for your own use or for use by other
- registered 4DOS for Windows NT users within your company or
- organization, but you cannot sell it or distribute it publicly.
- 4DOS auf Deutsch!:
- A complete German-language version of 4DOS is available from our
- German distributor, Computer Solutions. This version includes a
- full copy of the printed 4DOS manual in German, German help text,
- and German translations of all program messages and responses.
- The cost is DM 169.-, SFR 169.-, or oS 1200.- including sales
- tax, and must be paid by check or COD (no credit cards).
- Discounts are available for customers who already own the English
- version of 4DOS. The German version of 4DOS is only available
- for purchase, it is not distributed as shareware.
- To order your copy, contact Computer Solutions (see page 5). The
- German version of 4DOS is available only from Computer Solutions,
- not from JP Software.
- BOOT.SYS is a shareware package which allows you to choose your
- system configuration when your computer boots. It makes managing
- a variety of configurations (for example, booting under plain
- 4DOS, DESQView, or Windows 3) very simple. It supports multi-
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 10
- level menus, color display, and option selection in both
- CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. It is invoked when the system
- boots, and does not require a reboot after changing
- configurations the way some similar programs do. We use BOOT.SYS
- here at JP Software, and we like it so much we decided to add it
- to our product line. BOOT.SYS is fully compatible with MS-DOS
- version 6.22 and below; PC-DOS version 7 and below; and DR DOS /
- Novell DOS.
- To use BOOT.SYS effectively you need to be reasonably familiar
- with CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. BOOT.SYS works with
- multiple sets of configuration directives (DEVICE, SHELL, etc.)
- in your CONFIG.SYS file. It presents menus to allow you to
- choose which set or subset of these directives to execute, and
- also provides a program you can run in AUTOEXEC to determine
- which menu choice was selected. You use the result returned by
- this program in IF or IFF statements in AUTOEXEC.BAT in order to
- make AUTOEXEC execute the correct TSRs and other commands
- corresponding to the choices you made in CONFIG.SYS. This
- approach is very powerful when combined with 4DOS IFF / THEN /
- ELSE statements.
- A shareware copy of BOOT.SYS is available on the 4DOS utility
- disk, and can be downloaded from our CompuServe support area and
- many other on-line services and local BBSes. You can order your
- registered copy of BOOT.SYS from JP Software for $42.
- Personal REXX:
- Personal REXX is a powerful, easy-to-use language from Quercus
- Systems that offers a perfect complement to 4DOS, 4OS2, 4DOS/NT,
- and Take Command batch commands. The REXX language is more
- powerful than traditional batch languages, without the heavy
- technical baggage of a conventional programming language. It was
- specifically designed to be easy to read and write, so you can
- get started quickly and get your work done efficiently. If you
- need advanced string processing capabilities, or are stretching
- the limits of our batch language, then Personal REXX is for you!
- Personal REXX for DOS is $139; for OS/2 & DOS is $159; for
- Windows and DOS is $159; for Windows NT is $159.
- The Semware Editor Jr. (formerly QEdit):
- The Semware Editor Jr. is a fast, easy-to-use, full-
- featured text editor for batch files, simple documents,
- and program code. It's perfect for creating configuration
- files, or for any task that requires a small, yet
- powerful, ASCII text editor. It offers multiple files and
- windows, pull-down menus, macros, and line, character, and
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 11
- column block operations. You can configure the keyboard as
- you like it and even spell check your files. We use it
- here at JP Software, and decided you might like it too!
- The Semware Editor Jr. is priced at $59.
- [Copyright 1992 - 1995, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved.
- Published by JP Software Inc., P.O. Box 1470, E. Arlington, MA 02174
- USA, (617) 646-3975. 4DOS is a registered trademark and Take Command,
- 4OS2, 4OS2/16, and 4OS2/32 are trademarks of JP Software Inc. OS/2 is a
- registered trademark of IBM Corporation. Windows is a trademark and
- Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other
- product and company names are trademarks of their respective owners.]
- JP Software ORDERINF.DOC page 12